Olympia Portugal Event: Enhanced Has 11 Entrants 1 Winner
Enhanced is on the move. And with Big Ramy and Dennis James at the lead, the field of athletes rapidly joining Enhanced Labs is growing exponentially. This was more than apparent at the Mr. Olympia qualifier in Portugal where Enhanced Labs fielded 11 athletes competing.
Watch the Enhanced Banners fly as the stage Elevates and Spins in Portugal
Enhanced Athlete Juju won the Wellness category and was happy to have Enhanced Labs director of affiliates Suby holding her price placard and medal. The new affiliate program has been proliferating the number of athletes representing Enhanced.
Out of no where Enhanced Labs went from having non-competing athletes on the team like Craig Golias and Tony Huge to having the reigning Mr. Olympia Champion Big Ramy, Dennis James, and over three dozen card-holding pro's actively competing. This year at Mr. Olympia Enhanced is slated to have over 5 athletes competing and a 20' x 30' booth right at the entrance to the exposition floor.
Check the out below slides of some of the new affiliates work and photos:

Enhanced Bodybuilding Supplements on the Floor at the training Center with Omran
Omran(above) loves his Creatine + Carb fuel in Carb Tech, Anabolic IV as a EAA + BCAA + Nootropic solution, and Ramys Rage STIM preworkout.

Marissa Andrews rapping with Big Ramy at the Gym #teamenhanced
Marissa getting her drive on with Big Ramy's own pre-workout, Ramy's Rage STIM

Enhanced Athlete and Soldier WBFTY LOVES his SLEEP JUICE
Sleep Juice remains a favorite - even for the men and women of the military as Richard above continues to his work creating music(see Whiteboy from the Yard - Youtube) and training with premier athletes. While most sleep products are WAY over-dosed on melatonin, Sleep Juice uses a complex and professional matrix formula with the proper dosing of melatonin.
As the Enhanced Labs team continues to grow, keep checking in for updates. Big Ramy continues to train in Egypt and is getting ready to move to the US for the final push to season form.
#teamenhanced, the best team for the best supplements.